genee haut si mir gewuer gin, dass dem Jayden sain EP ugefroot gin ass merci Maya
Emigration Permit (EP)
lo waadren mir drop dass deen akkordéiert gëtt (+-2 Méint)
an dann waarde mir ob e Termin um Geriicht zu Seoul (och teschend 2 an 3 Méint)
an dann….. jo dann waarde mir dass de Richter ok domadder ass an dass mir den Jayden dann endlech duerfen siche goen
hei en Text fir Virwëllstuten :
Once your child’s EP is approved, your case will be forwarded to the Korean Courts.
You will be informed when your case has been submitted to court.
Once an appearance date has been scheduled you will be contacted to begin making arrangements for your first trip to Korea.
The presence of both adoptive parents at the court is required.
This trip is in average of 7 days.
After the hearing, the court in Korea will issue its final ruling on your case.
Once the final decree is received, you will be contacted to begin making arrangements for your second trip to Korea.
On average, the time between the 1st and 2nd trip is 4 to 5 weeks.
You will attend the Visa Interview during your second trip.
This trip is an average of 5 days.
Copyright 2014 Jayden Di Maggio